I would like to point out a
several things: I think that only people who would be interested in
actually starting living as closely as possible to being
fully and truly ecologically and socially sustainably
should apply. As it is, there are too many discussion groups already
that do discuss eclogical (and oft even social) sustainability, but
that do not aim for a full version of sustainability. I think that
to want to live in harmony with the ecological and social forces
there are only limitedly has no value, - it is the same as want to
be pregnant, but not the whole way (I hate this analogy, but it fits
so well). There are some pretty good working definitions of
"ecological and social sustainability" available already, however -
we'll have to create along the way a working definition of
"ecosocial sustainability" that we would be comfortable
with. I don't think that there should be a need for
a "leader" for any tasks. If anyone feels that something ought to be
done, let them start the innitiative - natural talents will show
themselves naturally, I feel, and after a while we should know each
other well enough to know where to turn to with any particular
issues. So - please - do not sign up, and leave in
disgust that nothing is happening. Just start (no matter how badly,
or not) whatever you feel ought to be started - that's what the
discussion group -
Discussion Group - is supposed to be for. Backto
EcosociallySustainable Communities